Muscle Building Foods - Turkey Breast

The past few articles in the series have been dedicated to proteins that also have moderate levels of fat. Lean beef and salmon both have more than 4 grams of fat per 3 ounces of meat. They are not THAT bad considering they have more than 20 grams of protein for the same portion size. […]

Roast Turkey (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Salmon filets and steaks (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Muscle Building Foods - Salmon

In part 2 of the muscle building foods I’ll discuss another great protein. Like beef this protein also has a good amount of fat to go with it. Unlike beef, it contains very little saturated fat compared to it’s overall fat content so it’s pretty healthy. In addition to having a lot of good fats, […]

Muscle Building Foods - Beef

Welcome to the first in a series of posts related to foods that will help you build muscle. There are so many food options out there that I find a lot of people get overwhelmed and don’t know what to eat. There are a lot of fallacies out there about which foods are “healthy” and […]

Top Round steak cut (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Bodybuilder Ronnie Coleman (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

7 Essential Muscle Building Tips

Building muscle can be very challenging for some people. Whether you are looking to just add a few inches to your arms, or looking to become the next Mr. Olympia, packing on a few pounds of lean mass will revolve around 3 simple . These things will even help those of you who are looking to lose weight […]